Transport Africa Reader Insights


Ever since the start of this website, we have received questions and requests for help from readers. Mostly these come as private emails. Since most of these questions are likely on the minds of others, we prefer to respond on the website through Reader Insights. As such, we ask emailers to share freely questions with everyone. This is how we hope it will work:

  • If you have a question or comment that is specific to a given post, by all means please continue to put it there.
  • If your question doesn’t really fit with in other posts, please use the contact form. We will try to answer as many as we can.





Please complete the contact form or email us below to:

  • Submit guest posts
  • Submit pictures or videos of transport and travel in Africa
  • Provide opinions/views
  • Report a transport incident
  • Share your transport communication or observation
  • Join and contribute to our team by writing for us
  • Tell us about transport experts





  • Participate in our Transport Africa Conference
  • Give a presentation or host a discussion on our Talk Dialogues and Webinars
  • Volunteer in one of our Task Teams
  • Host a Transport Africa event in your country.
  • Champion Transport Africa in your region.




  • Should cycling be encouraged in Africa? 70% 70%
  • Should African cities formalize informal transport? 50% 50%